¡Hola! My name is Claudia Christina and I'm a xingona dirt scientist!
Xingona (chingona): A Mexican colloquial term for a badass woman.
Dirt Science: Soil scientists hate the word dirt because it demeans the true nature of soil and implies a substance that is not really all that interesting and/or a nuisance. But as every soil scientists knows, when you tell someone you study soil, the typical response is "oh, you study dirt" and you respond, "No, it's so much more than that!" but you haven't the time or energy to explain all of the wonders of soil. So instead, here's to dirt science!
[en Español]
Hola, mi nombre es Claudia Christina Escobar-Avila y soy una chingona científica de suelo.
Porque chingona? Porque mi madre me enseño ser fuerte y perseguir mis pasiones.
Aqui tengo informacion de mis investigaciones y todas las cosas que hago como doctora de suelo.